Wednesday, November 18, 2009

James 1:27

Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world. James 1:27

Taylor and I recently had the opportunity to attend the LEADNOW conference at Irving Bible church a few weekends ago. The Lord clearly had a plan for us being there and opened our minds to crazy amazing things. I'm incredibly thankful he revealed them at the same time for us! If anyone even reads this I ask for prayer. Prayer that we listen and DO what he is calling us to. For those of you who may not know. We feel a strong calling to missions. I realize that is a broad term and we ALL are called to missions in some way. But we feel a strong calling towards overseas or possibly even living with a different culture for His Glory. We have absolutley no idea what exactly this means. We have no direction as to where exactly, when or even how but we're open and willing to whatever he has for us. I'm honestly terrified. I'm still trying to figure out what could be causing that fear but I ultimately feel it's a heart issue. My heart is not prepared right now to live in another culture with God's people. I realize this time now is EXTREMLY important in arranging the needs wants and worries in my heart to match up with what the Lord wants for me individually. Taylor and I wrote a list of concerns we have for a missional lifestyle in the future and it's apparent we are not ready right now. I'm mostly excited though. Ever since I was little I KNEW my heart was made to share his name everywhere! I was able to participate in more mission trips and opportunites in high school because it was offered. It's got a little harder in college but I feel it's no excuse..though i've used it anyway. It's time for that to change NOW! No more pursuing for the American Dream. Those are horrible aspirations and we were all made for sooo much more! I'm afriad we don't even realize we're in pursuit of that dream because it's just so easy to be immersed in it. Most of us, sadly, don't even get to experience the fullness of HIM and his love and greatness He has for us because we're SO wrapped up in stuff and not necissarily "bad" stuff. It could even be "religious things" that aren't for his Glory. A hard lesson i've learned these past few weeks is that God doesn't care how many bible studies or one on one talks you have with your mentors, he wants YOU. all of you! Meaning you can't have a relationship with Him by just talking about Him to others who already believe in him. You need to talk to the source daily. All the time!

To talk about the verse I have listed above... another topic that was mentioned a whole lot this past weekend regarded orphans and widows. What stood out to me was that we are to not only pray for them but visit them and love on them! Ever since I was little i've wanted to adopt a little russian baby girl. I know the Lord wants this for me when the time is right and i'm SO excited! Again, I ask for prayer because this is a HUGE plan but one I feel only makes sense to act upon being a Jesus follower. I encourage those of you reading to also seriously consider adopting yourself or at least providing means if you are'nt led to do so. I don't think the importance of adopting one of God's children is stressed enough!!

Commentary I found to be fitting:
Altogether this is a biblical view, not just James's own thinking. Scripture says that God is committed to caring for the powerless and defenseless, including the poor, the alien, the fatherless and the widow. Since the needs of such people are on God's heart, he expects that same heart to be in us. Further, Jesus himself so identified himself with needy, oppressed people that when we care for one of his people in need, we do it unto him. Any practice of Christianity that does not exhibit this concern in action is deceptive (it misrepresents the truth about God's own heart) and worthless (it is of no value before God).

on a different note, i had a WONDERFUL birthday and thank you all for everything!!!!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!! :)
Here's some photos I've taken latley...


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