Thursday, February 28, 2008

March for the Babies!

Some girls and I are going to try and raise money on a walk in Ft. Worth on April 19th to help prevent premature birth, infant mortality & birth defects.. If you would like to donate or sign up and join let me know! : )
You can access my site below!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

skirts and flip flops

today was a pretty good day.

woke up, got ready, walked outside and immediately regretted the skirt and flip flop decision but sucked it up ONLY to find out my classes had been cancelled.

Then i went to the doctor (dressed a little more warm). Be praying for my little body. It seems to be confused right now, my hormone levels are all out of whack.

Then when I arrived at work I was told my last day will be next Thursday. I had already told them I could no longer continue working there due to my school schedule, so they let me know they needed to start looking for someone who could work full days. So I'm really excited because I'm hoping to have a month off to just focus on school and SPRING BREAK....and theeeen maybe look for another job. : )

Speaking of looking for new jobs, I might apply for a massage therapist position at the Gaylord or Great Wolf Lodge...we'll see.

cutie landon!!--the little boy i sometimes babysit.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

God's good!

way cool things that have been happening!

1) graduated massage school!
2) finally figured out what i would like to major in -kinesiology then continue to become a physical therapist!
3) got accepted into UTA
4) the Lord has blessed me with new amazing friends!
5) and a new boy : )

we'll miss you Diop! : (

love.pray.hope and smile.

Okay so here's the deal. I've been hearing, seeing, experiencing a lot of junk that people are going through right now. It seems right now more then ever that Satan is trying to attack. I realize it's probably because we're in college. We're being tempted and surrounded by the world everyday (obviously...we live in it) BUT my heart is hurting sooo bad for those who are stuck in it. I doubt myself a ton though. I do that FAR too often. I get dissapointed in myself a lot. I always know I can be better, I can always read/write/pray/talk/share/evangilize and what not more but ultimately we just need to realize that the Lord loves us NOW, exactly how we are now. No arguement. I want this to be a way that we keep in touch and a safe place to share because we all have a common yearing to love on others and be Christlike as much as possible. I'm learning everyday what the means and it's tough. Always will be but "blessed are those when men hate you, when they exclude you and insult you!" Luke 6:22. I want to challenge my heart and yours to seek Him with all you have EVERYDAY, whatever that may mean for that day, do it! Love others FAR more then you do yourself, always put their needs before yours and consider giving up something this week that you absolutley love and might put before HIM sometimes. I love what Matt Chandler said tonight about how as human beings we crave noise. If we're forced to be alone and quite we get uncomfortable and find ways to drown or numb that feeling instead of dealing with the uncomfortablness and growing! Sorry this is so long but my heart is desperately wanting things to change for this world, as are many people. If nothing else, pray. Pray like you're changing the world, because you can! Love.pray.hope and smile because you are way loved by an amazing father who's arms never close unles you're embraced in them! : )

teasha and i! : )
Jenny, linds and I at marti gras in dallas!

amazing mutemath concert!!