Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Much needed changes.

^^The newest addition to my life as of a month and a few weeks ago! : ) ^^

SO! LOTS has changed since my previous entry.

1. the BIGGEST being Taylor : )
2. My change of plans in school--no longer UTA, I'm going to get an apartment with LACEY J.! in the spring of next year at UNT! WAAAAY excited about those new plans.
3. Probably in the next few months, I'm going to have to save a lot of money since family issues are still happening. But the Lord is def. evident in the situation.

I'm so excited about what the Lord has been doing in my life, especially these past few weeks. I've been praying for certain relationships to mend, and they haven't thus far, BUT I still have faith the Lord is moving in their lives. : )

I hope you realize how blessed you are. <3